Sunday, August 26, 2007

The main setting

The setting of this book is in Coconut Cove, Florida around 2000 during the spring. There are not many hills, but there are lots of trees like in Delaware. There’s a golf course right off town and a dump where the character named “Mullet fingers” hides. There’s a construction site beside the golf course where burrowing owls live.
The construction site was the future home of the 647th Mother Paula’s pancake house. But Roy finds out that Mother Paula’s didn’t have a construction permit or a permit to kill the owls. The dump has mostly cars and trucks, but there are a few garbage piles. Mullet fingers sleeps in an old ice cream truck. There is a small cluster of trees and bushes in the course where Roy first meets Mullet fingers while he was collecting the poisonous Cottonmouth moccasins. The rest of the story takes place in town.

I added a pictures of me in Florida.

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